Honors reporting excellence as exemplified by one article or a series of articles

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The New York Times Magazine

The New York Times Magazine
Jake Silverstein, Editor in Chief
The Collapse,” by Matthieu Aikins, December 19

Judges' Citation
An almost unfathomably complete portrait of the sudden end to America's longest war,
“The Collapse” is reported literature that makes accessible a moment
in history that we would be unwise to forget. 


 Harper's Magazine

Harper's Magazine
Christopher Beha, Editor
The Lightning Farm,” by Caroline Lester, May


The Hollywood Reporter 

The Hollywood Reporter
Nekesa Mumbi Moody, Editorial Director
Scott Rudin: 'Unhinged',” April 7, and “Shielding Scott Rudin,” June 23, by Tatiana Siegel

 The New Yorker With The Outlaw Ocean Project

The New Yorker With The Outlaw Ocean Project
David Remnick, Editor, The New Yorker
Ian Urbina, Director, The Outlaw Ocean Project
The Secretive Prisons That Keep Migrants Out of Europe,” by Ian Urbina, November 28 at



Thomas Lin, Editor in Chief
The Webb Space Telescope Will Rewrite Cosmic History. If It Works,” by Natalie Wolchover, December 3

Texas Observer With Support From The Fund for Investigative Journalism

Texas Observer With Support From the Fund for Investigative Journalism
Gabriel Arana, Editor in Chief, Texas Observer
Eric Ferrero, Executive Director, The Fund for Investigative Journalism
Locked Up and Left to Die,” by Michael Barajas and Sophie Novack, Winter



Tom Zeller Jr., Editor in Chief
Below Aging U.S. Dams, a Potential Toxic Calamity,” by James Dinneen and Alexander Kennedy, June 1